Six pixels of separation, the inspiration of all this

Six pixels of separation, the inspiration of all this

HI, HELLO and WELCOME to all of you. I hope that you have surfed through our website and have found what we do is good and useful. If you think our work is good, then I’ve got news for you. We are still working on more stuff, or as we say, we will ‘ESM it’ !!!

I don’t know if any of you ever wondered how and why we started ESM, and what was and still is the inspiration of it. Well, even if you didn’t wonder, I am so keen of sharing the inspiration of all this, and here it goes:

It all started when I just resigned from managing the Equestrian Club in Gezira, and I started planning together with my partners, Adham Samir and Karim Habashi, the first line of building blocks of Equestrian Sports Marketing LLC. It was part of our new company’s vision, to have a website about ESM and its mission marketing the equestrian sport.

Later on, one evening I was exploring the bookstore on the corner of the street where I live, then I came across this masterpiece by Digital marketing expert Mitch Joel “Six Pixels of Separation”, and the digital marketing bell just started ringing.

The old, well known theory of Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, “a friend of a friend” statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy and popularized by a play written by John Guare.

Mitch Joel in his book, unravels this fascinating world of new digital media. The truth is, we no longer live in a world of six degrees of separation. In fact, we’re now down to only six pixels of separation. Degrees of separation is all now digital. How to connect through social media, which in all forms are becoming the dominant form of interaction on the Net, whether blogging, Twittering, Facebook, etc. Six Pixels of Separation clearly describes this new family of media, offering realistic ways to get involved and productive digitally. Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business To Everyone.

Thanks to Mitch Joel, who inspired us to “ESM it”. We first started website to create value, spread news and useful information to horse people and build an equestrian online community, getting equestrians and non-equestrians connected. Then esmtoday guided us through starting ESM Designers, sharing our passion for the online digital world with our clients providing them with clean code, easy to use websites.

Last, but not the least, I want to express how much I am happy and proud of our ESM LLC. and its subdivision, and looking forward for more and more interaction from everyone.

Remember to “ESM it “…

Ahmed Hussein
Partner & Co-Founder of ESM LLC.